Who we are

An international network of experts and professionals

Our network is a global conglomerate of enthusiasts, lovers and bigwigs out of the sneaker market and the various domains related to kicks. Experts and professionals in branding and lifestyle, event production, design, communication as well as marketing with their respective expertise and know-how are part of our network – that’s what makes Sneakerness the leading platform for sneaker-related topics of all kinds. From Switzerland to Russia to South Africa and beyond, our team is allocated around the world and is gathering insights from so many different places – with local and global perspectives on the sneaker scene alike.

Our Philosophy

Experience our passion for sneakers

Sneakerness originates from a passion: Friends who share a long-standing interest in sneakers getting together. Even though we were not deliberately trying to come up with something huge, our expectations were outmatched from the get-go. The amount of people participating in our first event in Bern, Switzerland, was overwhelming and far beyond our expectations. However, the success we have achieved does not mean that we’re not staying true to our roots: A genuine enthusiasm and curiosity in sneakers and the culture that comes with them. We combine this unique appreciation with a professional and customer-oriented attitude – and thus provide great experiences to brands, clients, and to those who are a part of the community.

Our Team

We are some faces behind Sneakerness. This is a list of our key personnel:

Sergio Muster

Country Manager Switzerland, France, Great Britain

Matthijs van der Meulen

Country Manager Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Hungary

Lukas Wanner

Creative Director

Diana Cabarles


Robert Zaugg


Valerie Buck

Communication Manager

Tamás Trunk

Community Manager

Eric Kwabena Takyi

Project Manager

Nik Otis

Special Projects